Brands that Give Back

Brands that Give Back

How beautiful is it that our God nudges us over 350 times in the Bible to not be afraid?! He lets us know in Matthew that we should not worry because God is intricately involved in every aspect of creation. “Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?” Matthew 6:26 Us allowing ourselves to be used by Him, can cover that need in someone else’s life. One way that we see His love and working hand in “giving” is through businesses that “give back”. Here are a few businesses that we found contributing monetarily would not only support personal dreams, but would also be lending a helping hand to someone in need. 

BLO Loungewear 

Did you know that we give back? Every purchase helps provide over 550 meals a month to children in Rwanda, Africa.

Hand Knit Dolls 

Cuddle and Kind dolls are hand knit and cute as can be. Every cuddle+kind doll sold, they give 10 meals to children in need.


Skylar is a natural, eco-friendly fragrance company that makes candles and perfume. They donate a portion of their proceeds to a different charity each month.

Ryan and Rose 

This company offers safe and functional products such as pacifiers, utensils and much more! They give back by supporting Engage Memphis, Memphis Family Connection Center, POI Global, Keesha Warrior Princess, Donors Choose and other organizations.They are all handmade by mothers and also match the giving of our employees.


For every Venice percale bedding set sold at Parachute, it donates one malaria-prevention bed net in partnership with the UN Foundation's Nothing But Nets campaign. This company has great quality sheets!

Happy Blankie 

For every blanket purchased, Happy Blankie gives away a blanket. The idea came from a seven-year-old boy, David Holdridge, who told his parents that he wanted to combine stuffed animals and blankets to “make the world smile”. Doesn't that just melt your heart!?

The Honest Company 

We love a brand that takes pride in their honesty! This brand does many things to give back to the community, but our personal favorite is that for every diaper they sell they give one away!

Rose and Rex

This baby boutique features a curated selection of give-back toys designed with creativity and intention. Their motto, “play-it-forward” says it all! From partnering with brands like Cheengoo who supports artisans from Nepal, Latvia and China to sponsoring Second Chance Toys, who rescues, refurbishes and donates plastic toys to children in need, every toy has a purpose, and thus, so does every purchase.

Sand Cloud 

Anyone who loves spending time at the beach should be more invested in protecting marine life. Sand Cloud, which makes Turkish cotton beach towels, donates 10% of profits to organizations that protect and preserve beaches and oceans!

We vote with our dollar every time we make a purchase. Let's choose to support companies that have intention behind their brand. What a great way to benefit by buying top quality brands and also give back to the world! 

John answered, “Anyone who has two shirts should share with the one who has none, and anyone who has food should do the same.”

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